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Wrong version error, fresh downloads etc etc

Posted: 14 Sep 2022 01:37
by M4ND4L0R3
Hi guys,

So me and a buddy have been on a hiatus from ETS2 since we kinda guessed there would be some major updates and we just wanted to wait until the dust settled before we downloaded everything again. After fresh downloads we thought we were good to go.

We have the new definitions file, but we remembered afterwards we didnt need it. The first attempt to make a convoy, showed that all of our mods INCLUDING all the new promods were confirmed, we always double check our mod list before we start and make sure we have the exact same mods etc etc. So the definitions file was the only mod that wouldnt work ( obviously ), so after we remembered we didnt need it, just the steam convoy file, we restarted the game and then removed it.

However after we tried to start another convoy with the new mod list, now it is telling us that the promods assets mod is the wrong version, doesnt matter who tries to host ( but this file was originally good to go the first time we tried to host )

Any ideas why we are getting a false " wrong version " error? As I said everything was a fresh download ( paid too, since we really enjoy promods )

Appreciate any help from the guru's.

It should be noted we have had this error before on both ETS2/ATS with OTHER files ( not promods, sometimes steam workshop, sometimes 3rd party downloads ) but then it would fix itself and be a non-issue 1-2 days later?


Re: Wrong version error, fresh downloads etc etc

Posted: 23 Sep 2022 11:37
by M4ND4L0R3
No answers yet guys?

I guess we will keep trying.....

Re: Wrong version error, fresh downloads etc etc

Posted: 26 Sep 2022 11:45
by ScuL
The only suggestion I have is that one of you has a broken ProMods asset file.
In the multiplayer feature, the game matches the CRC keys of all mod files. If a file is incomplete it will fail the CRC check