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[Fixed] [#38598/#38601/#38606] [2.64] Speed limit 40mph on M11 northbound

Posted: 20 Mar 2023 22:54
by Photon305
Travelling on M11 northbound away from London (coordinates: (sec-0010-0004);-37670.6;51.561;-14432.1;-0.0291042;-0.115282), I noticed the speed limit was 40mph instead of the expected 60mph. AI traffic around me was driving faster than me (at 60 I assume). Perhaps it did not update correctly,

On exiting the game and reloading, speed limit showed as 60mph again.


The location on map

Game log:

Re: [2.64] Speed limit 40mph on M11 northbound

Posted: 26 Mar 2023 12:56
by Photon305
I encountered this issue again going the same route, so it seems reproducible.

I also just had the same thing happen travelling on this route from London on the A12 - the speed limit never changed from 50mph to 60mph up to the point shown on the map, where I saved and reloaded, and the limit became 60mph.


Re: [Fixed] [#38598/#38601/#38606] [2.64] Speed limit 40mph on M11 northbound

Posted: 01 May 2023 22:31
by mads1153
Hello, Photon305.

These bugs has been confirmed and reported in internal bugtracking system with cases #38598, #38601 and #38606.
Also it has been fixed in WIP.