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truckersmp issue

Posted: 25 Aug 2023 13:08
by Roy420
Hello, me and my fiend just got promods for the first time but we got an issue, once we started the game we had to downgrade it to 1.47 for it to work and after we did that it works in singleplayer, but when we open truckersmp to play together it says we have an unsupported version of the game.

my quistion is, is it possible to get an older version of truckers mp or promods so we can play together or do we have to wait on the new promods version to come out?

Re: truckersmp issue

Posted: 25 Aug 2023 13:12
by 30maes
Hello there,

TruckersMP has already updated to 1.48, but ProMods hasn't. So you have to wait ProMods 2.66 release to play ProMods server on TruckersMP, now you can only play with your friend by SCS convoy on 1.47.

Best Regards,