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Rate limited

Posted: 06 Dec 2023 18:21
by Maffe SWE
I got rate limited when i tried to download promods. For how long time will it last...?

Re: Rate limited

Posted: 06 Dec 2023 18:45
by Volleybal4life
Sounds like you were trying to avoid the system. Cause you just see a timer counting down, starting at 300 seconds.

Re: Rate limited

Posted: 06 Dec 2023 18:54
by KaptenNEMO
Well... The timer you talk about did not countdown so i had to klick on reliad page for it to show the time left. And that seemed to get me in this boring sitation. Tried to pay for it but the system did not accept my card. So now i must wait until the rate limit dissapears. So that was my question.. how long do i need to wait...?
Im on a diffrent system now so thats why i had an diffrent name...

Re: Rate limited

Posted: 07 Dec 2023 00:22
by ScuL
The rate limit will automatically release within one hour. It only gets triggered when excessively refreshing the page.

Re: Rate limited

Posted: 07 Dec 2023 09:50
by jonki16x
After counting down only thing is to refresh the page, but that would get us into this shit situation. So what is the point of this are they so greedy? P.S mods can't be monetized!

Re: Rate limited

Posted: 07 Dec 2023 10:06
by ScuL
The point is to prevent abuse. There are a number of individuals who use scripts to bash and hard refresh the free download page up to thousand times per second.
This isn't just fair to our server infrastructure by creating load, but that load is depriving other users from accessing the files normally.

The free method will take you approximately 45 minutes. If you don't have enough patience to wait 45 minutes then the paid option is a possibility.
The user can decide for themselves which method suits them best.