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[2.68] Truck wheels damage caused by outdated file (damage_data.sii)

Posted: 24 Jan 2024 15:17
by Granite
I have noticed weird tyre wear behaviour on my singleplayer profiles using Promods (both ETS2 and ATS), basically tyres get worn and damaged at the same time, or the damage that should go into wear is added to both unrepairable wear and repairable damage evenly, so whenever tyres wear goes up one percent, so does the damage. Trailer wheels seem to be unaffected, only happens with truck.

I have tested this in ATS singleplayer by driving 250-300 miles, then checking the damage report, removing any other possible mod (there were only few) until the only option remaining was Promods, removing it
fixed the problem. Removing the file "damage_data.sii" from the def file also fixed the problem.

Strangely, this does not happen in TMP, so the file they are using must be up to date - tested on ETS2 Promods, 1000km+ distance.

Possibly, other components are affected too, but tyres/wheels are most noticable. Anyway, you need to update the file for new damage system.

Also note that this has been reported in ATS already: viewtopic.php?p=355920#p355920

Re: [2.68] Truck wheels damage caused by outdated file (damage_data.sii)

Posted: 26 Jan 2024 12:10
by ScuL
Sometimes SCS do updates to these files without documenting them and we do not always notice them.
We will ensure that these new configuration strings will be copied in the next versions of ProMods.

Re: [2.68] Truck wheels damage caused by outdated file (damage_data.sii)

Posted: 26 Jan 2024 15:26
by Granite
I understand, it doesn't cause any game crashes, but can be inconvenience for someone like me, using mods affecting game economy.
Couldn't this be fixed without waiting for next game version, since only new def file would need to be downloaded? You could put up some hotfix announcement.