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[TUTORIAL] Replacing SCS Trailers

Posted: 01 Jun 2015 19:52
by KubaJAM
Hi guys,

Decided to make a new tutorial after Nico told me how to do this. So basically this is Nico's work. So I'm a plagiarist. Sorry.

This tutorial will teach you how to replace company trailers without using assists like ETS2studio, and replacing individual trailers within these companies (replacing one texture will replace all trailers of that company normally, but there's a way out of this which is pretty simple when you get used to it).

So, let's get started!

You will need:

A notepad application

Extracted base.scs and def.scs of ETS2

SCS Editor


WinRar or similar

An example .tobj file

Around 30 minutes spare time


Now we are ready to start!

Replacing an SCS company's trailers

This is the easiest part of the tutorial. You only need a couple of folders and a trailer skin file. Firstly, you need to create a folder structure as shown below:


Now select the company you want to replace. In this example, I'm replacing Posped.

Choose the skin that you've created that you want to use to replace the Posped trailers. If you're unsure how to create a skin, follow my earlier tutorial.

In this example, I will replace the Posped trailers with a Coca Cola skin. Now, all you need to do is copy the .dds file of the skin over to the 'company' folder you created a minute ago. Download the example.tobj too, and place that in the same folder.


A .tobj file is effectively a 'pointer' to a .dds file. The game won't understand which trailer you want to replace unless you tell it the name of the correct company. So, rename both of your files to '' and 'posped.tobj'.


Be careful, some companies have complex internal names, so be sure to check what they are written into the game as. In case you don't know how to do this, I've compiled a list below:


So now you're almost done. We only need to edit inside the .tobj file to direct the game to the correct .dds. Firstly, download and install ETS2studio if you have not already. Open the program and use the in-built '.tobj' editor. Open the .tobj file and you should see a string of folders.


Edit the folder so it now reads '' instead of ''. Overwrite the original file.

Now you're practically there. All you have to do now is create an archive. Right-click the 'vehicle' file and then 'Add to archive' (in WinRar), then set the name, .zip extension, and 'store' compression as shown:


Now all you need to do is put the file in your mod folder and test it!


Now, you're probably thinking "Yes, that's great, but I want to replace individual trailers, not the entire company." Well, I may just have the thing for you...

Replacing individual trailers within a company

I apologise in advance; this is a lot more complicated. First download all the programs I listed above and put them in an accessible place. Now you need to decide on the trailer you want to replace. I'm sticking with the Coca Cola trailer, and will replace the 'Platform' (Schmitz Universal) only.

Set up the same folder structure as before. However, put your vehicle folder inside another folder, and create an 'automat' folder in the same location as 'vehicle'.


Next you need to open the SCS Editor program. You should have an extracted base.scs already. We're going to open a .pmd file (model) relevant to the trailer you want to replace. So, select 'open' then go to base>trailer_eu> schmitz>universal. Some of the trailers are under a strange name, but here are the (common) ones you can skin and their internal names/locations:


So, in this instance, go to schmitz>universal and open 'universal.pmd'. You will now see 'looks' in the main menu. These are basically the textures for each company. Each 'look' has several .mat files. We're editing Posped, so select that. A .mat file directs to a .tobj, and, as we learned earlier, a .tobj links to a .dds. So, we're going to need to edit the .mat file. But which one?


If you switch between 'looks' (let's call them companies for now), you will see that all but one of the .mat files remain the same. So, as logic would state, you need to edit the one that changes. For this trailer, it seems to be the number 3 file.

Whilst this file seems to be a truly random selection of letters and numbers, it is a file within the game base. So, we need to find it. Go to a notepad application and open it. Then, select 'Open' and go to your base folder, then automat. The file is /62/4d6a... , so go to the file named '62', then locate the .mat beginning with '4d6a...'. Now it may appear familiar. Tip; if you see no files, make sure your notepad application is set to 'all files' in the bottom right rather than just 'text documents'.


You will now see a few lines of text. The 'Texture[1]' line will have a .tobj file at the end of it. Change 'Posped' to whatever you want. For example; 'cola.tobj' (but remember this name as this is what you will need to name your .dds and .tobj as before).


Save the .mat file, then exit the notepad. Copy the .mat file you just found in the base over to your 'automat' file you created earlier. However, you will also need to create a file which houses the .mat. It was in folder 62, so make a '62' folder within your automat and place the .mat file within it.


Now it's fairly straightforward and as before. You need to put your .dds file in the 'Company' folder along with the .tobj. Rename both so they become '' and 'cola.tobj'. You need to edit the .tobj as before using ETS2studio so it reads ''. If you're unsure how to do this, refer to earlier in the tutorial. Now you're almost done!

Highlight both the automat and vehicle files you created and make an archive, using the configuration seen below:


Now put the .zip into your mod folder, and you're done! You should notice that only the Schmitz Universal (Platform Trailer) changes to a Coca Cola skin instead of Posped, but all the other trailers stay with their Posped skins. If this works, well done! I hope you had more fun creating these trailers than I did writing this tutorial.


Thanks for reading and I hope this tutorial helps! Feel free to ask any questions you may have below.

Re: [TUTORIAL] Replacing SCS Trailers

Posted: 01 Jun 2015 20:45
by mbman212
Nice and interesting tutorial ;)

Re: [TUTORIAL] Replacing SCS Trailers

Posted: 16 Jun 2015 17:22
by Nico
Thanks for putting it up Matt. Good work ;)

Re: [TUTORIAL] Replacing SCS Trailers

Posted: 01 Jul 2015 19:52
by godzyla
Just a question.
Do you think you can use 2 skins of the same trailer for a single company?
E.G Trailers skins used in GTS/UKTS and ETS2, or modified to work with ETS2

I guess using various skins of the same company could add fun in the game, especially when you overtake several times the same kind of trailler attached to different trucks.

Re: [TUTORIAL] Replacing SCS Trailers

Posted: 02 Jul 2015 19:46
by Nico
yeah that is always possible. However per company only one skin will appear. So the ai will have more variations, you as driver don't.

Re: [TUTORIAL] Replacing SCS Trailers

Posted: 05 Jul 2015 20:44
by KubaJAM
Does anyone think a wiki for this kind of this would be a good idea? If so I will do one in about a month.

Re: [TUTORIAL] Replacing SCS Trailers

Posted: 08 Jul 2015 13:29
by Nico
There is an ETS2 wikia already. Not sure how much is in there tbh.

Re: [TUTORIAL] Replacing SCS Trailers

Posted: 08 Jul 2015 18:55
by mbman212
Well, there are't much stuff. I and LoaderSaints were doing it properly but it was forgotten and we never made it (yet).

Re: [TUTORIAL] Replacing SCS Trailers

Posted: 09 Jul 2015 06:26
by martinusK
There's a wiki but it has content about the game, not so much about modding
It's done quite badly in terms of organizing and formatting

Re: [TUTORIAL] Replacing SCS Trailers

Posted: 12 Jul 2015 10:41
by KubaJAM
Martinus Kundla wrote:There's a wiki but it has content about the game, not so much about modding
Exactly, that's what I was thinking.