Other Map Discussion (Mainly TSM)

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10 Mar 2014 22:24

I want to see Greece on future versions but with promods detail. Signs should be the same, traffic lights should be the same you should add archeological sites such as the Parthenon or the Acropolis etc. Also I hope that the official steam/retail version of 1.9 is not far so that you guys can release promods 1.6.

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19 Mar 2014 04:51

v1.9 IS already available on Steam.. However it DOES NOT work with promods.

As to TSM.. I was lured into ets2 by watching DaSquirrels vids. I soon logged onto SCS's site and got ets2 and going east bundle. I soon fell victim to the world of mods and have over 100 of the darn things now.. (only managed to get about 40 working together so far).
(Yes.. it does slow my game running so many. But. I have a fairly fast computer and only really see graphics stutters when crossing into new regions or cities areas) Well worth it to have over 120 different vehicles and almost a dozen older style and American trucks in game. Still seeing new trailers and cargos each time I play. (Love that Jazzycat!)
TSM v4.5 was the very 1st map mod i got to actually work with my game. and not having set foot in Europe since i was less than 2 years old. Never really noticed too much wrong. Getting rear ended, yes. but i was used to retarded Ai by this time. And making 150k to 200k for a single trip seemed fun for a time. I had seen warnings about problems with v4.5.3 so avoided it. but the 4.5.9 (so called fix) just broke 22 cities. Effectively making approaching any french or Italian cities (NOT in scs's original game) crash the game. Africa, Spain and Greece areas still worked but you could only get to Africa and Spain through Greece and ferries or taking company jobs. And if one of your drivers tried to take a job from a broken city it crashed.

I can't comment on Promod as my only experience with it has been watching Paul's videos. But it looks great and i can't wait till they get their 1.6 going.

And yes. I know I can roll back my steam game and run with 1.52 if i want. but the things 1.9 offers in the way of MUCH more intelligent Ai responses. They are still stupid but the driving IQ is much higher. Oddly they respond very well to your blinkers but will suddenly change lanes into you. even after driving beside you for several minutes. Left turn signal but turn right etc.. but half the mods I had. that did NOT work. Now work fine. Or at least, do not crash the game.. I highly recommend any Heavy mod user get 1.9 asap.

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31 May 2014 22:15

I still play the TSM map (version 4.72), and even recently on Promods (version 1.62 + 1.62 Rebuilding Poland), and I think that both maps are cool, for example, TSM cool is Slovenia, a volcano near Naples, Reggio di Calabria, the Ruhr and Greece and Promods I like Norway, Bielsko Biala (I'm from Zywiec near Bielsko Biala) and Stockholm. So I think that both maps are cool. But if you played on old versions of TSM maps it to you not surprised that you be not good enough. But I am looking forward Promods (Version 1.7) and especially TSM (version 5) with renewed Spain and Portugal.

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01 Jun 2014 09:22


I understand what you mean, TSM is a good map, don't get me wrong, I could never do a map in detail at all. However, it is very repeated, and has lots of bugs, which make it unplayable in some areas.

And, as for Mount Vesuvius, near Naples, it doesn't actually erupt constantly like that irl! That annoyed me too :P

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01 Jun 2014 12:27

Strangely enough since I bought a new grafficcard (GTX 780) and installed the new drivers I never had a new crash with the last TSM'map (before I had one almost one every hour), indeed the map has less detail, but driving a truck from Cairo to Casablanca or from Porto to Athens is epic!!!!!!!

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08 Jun 2014 21:10

na początku chciałbym powiedzieć że zjechałem prawie całą mapę promods i poland rebuilding ( nie wliczając to miast z oryginalnej mapy oraz DLC ) bo je znam już na pamięć :D, i doceniam pracę zespołu tworzącego mapę skandynawii za ich dokładność, ( porównywałem niektóre odcinki ze Szwecji do tych w prawdziwym świecie ) ale stwierdziłem że mapa choć ładna to poprostu nudna, może dlatego że jej poprostu jest mało? również żal mi chłopców z Promods bo wszystkie tereny na których tworzyli zostanie prawdopodobnie zastąpione przez nowe DLC ja sobie je nazwałem DLC SCANDINAVIA ale z drugiej strony cieszę się że SCS SOFTWARE nie poszło ani na zachód ani na południe bo szczerze powiem że wolę TSM i mogę z pewnością powiedzieć że TSM to nie tylko kopiuj - wklej ( bo na promods też widziałem dwa takie jedno to chyba Goterborg ( LYON ) tylko trochę dróg dodanych a drugie to coś po sąsiedzku ( wygląda jak oryginalny Szczecin ) tak jak to gdzieś czytałem od jakiś fanów PROMODS bo dużo miast oni również tworzą od zera np. Ljubljana, Rzym, Kavala, Orlean, Neapol, Nicea i wiele innych jak również " skopiowana hiszpania przykład Madryt - Londyn ) czy coś tam do wrocławia podobne, to wszystko będzie 100% inne i nie skopiowane w TSM 5 "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i31YJR6 ... tu.be&hd=1 więc szczerze wolę TSM gdyż uważam że pod względem jakości mapy wcale dużo nie odbiegają od Promods, a może z czasem ich prześcigną. Przepraszam jeśli kogoś uraziłem, ale piszę co myślę.


I would say at the beginning that returned almost the entire map promods and poland rebuilding (not including it in the original city maps and DLC) because I know them by heart: D, and I appreciate the work of the team which created the map of Scandinavia for its accuracy, (I compared some sections from Sweden to those in the real world) but I found that the map but it's just pretty boring, maybe because it just is not enough? also feel sorry for the boys from Promods because all the areas where created is likely to be replaced by a new DLC was I called them DLC SCANDINAVIA but on the other hand, I'm glad I did not go SCS SOFTWARE or west or south because honestly I will say that I prefer TSM and I can certainly say that TSM is not just copy - paste (because on promods also seen two such one is probably Goterborg (LYON) added just a little roads and the other is something in the neighborhood (it looks like the original Szczecin) as I read somewhere from some fans PROMODS because a lot of cities, they also form from scratch for example, Ljubljana, Rome, Kavala, Orleans, Naples, Nice, and many others as well as "copied instance Spain Madrid - London) or something similar to wrocławia, everything will be 100% different and not copied in TSM 5 "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=i31YJR6 ... tu.be&hd=1 so honestly I prefer TSM because I think in terms of the quality of the map does not differ much from Promods, and can sometimes overtake them. I'm sorry if I offended anyone, but I write what I think.

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09 Jun 2014 09:11

In the early days of ProMods, quite some cities in Scandinavia were copied ones. This was only done for version 1.0. In this version, the cities that were copied are:

1. Aalborg (DK)
2. Århus (DK)
3. Göteborg (SE)
4. Jönköping (SE)
5. Karlstad (SE)
6. Malmö (SE)
7. Stavanger (NO)

However the cities in that version that were no copies are:

1. Bergen (NO)
2. Esbjerg (DK)
3. Geilo (NO)
4. Flensburg (DE)
5. Helsinki (FI)
6. Hirsthals (DK)
7. Hønefors (NO)
8. Kolding (DK)
9. København (DK)
10. Kristianssand (NO)
11. Odda (NO)
12. Oslo (NO)
13. Odense (DK)
14. Skövde (SE)
15. Stockholm (SE)

And I'm not taking ferry-only cities into account, like Fredrikshavn (DK), Rødbyhavn (DK), Gedser (DK), Burg am Fehrman (DE)

That's 15 custom cities against 7 copied cities, which means that more than two thirds of all cities are original. TSM copied more cities than just nine. And that's only version 1.0. Since that version, no other cities have been copied, and everything is original material. The current public version contains 41 new cities, of which only 7 are copies. That's not even a quarter! And there are 13 new cities ready for deployment in the upcoming version!

Even better: we have done quite some rebuilds in the latest versions. The only cities that will be copied however are the ones from the new Going North DLC when we think they are better than what we are currently have (and they will NEVER surpass our version of Stockholm). A common misconception around here is that the DLC will replace our mapping work. This is not true. We just get two different interpretations of Scandinavia. The SCS version contains some cities we don't have, while we have some cities SCS doesn't have, or we did make some cities better than SCS ever would be willing to make.

But copying cities is one thing. TSM went further than that: they copied entire pieces of scenery! Sometimes, it took even ridiculous proportions, where parts of Greece were copied from the Netherlands, which totally doesn't look like Greece at all. They even copied Amsterdam to Libya! How does that even make sense?

Now, in TSM's defense, I've heard that they have "hired" another mapper to do Spain and Portugal for TSM 5.0, and I must say that he did a pretty decent job on that. However, that's only one region. Still a lot needs to be converted to this quality; this includes France, Italy, Greece, the whole Mediterranean coast and Denmark, all of which are lacking quite some landscaping features (in no way could they have pulled off a complete rebuild in such a short amount of time). There is however no comparison between Promods and TSM when it comes to the southern regions, because we haven't reached that yet. However, if you compare parts of France from TSM with the ones from ProMods, you will see that our version is much more detailed with vast agricultural landscapes, hills, small towns and more. Spain will likely become about as much as detailed as that region. The current France from TSM just looks like this, which is just utterly dull and unoriginal. And I haven't even started about distinctive details yet like different streetlights, signage, electric pylons etc. which are quite present in ProMods, custom modeled. TSM does not contain many new models other than signs (excluding the navigation signs) or things that used to be in ETS1.

If you think our map is too boring, please, tell us how you think we can improve it, what you miss on the map. We always can use some constructive critisism (though, it has to be reasonably possible) ;)


EDIT: I was wrong about Flensburg and Bergen. Turns out they are original too.
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09 Jun 2014 09:50

U're right Mandelsoft
Ur map is far far better then TSM Map ;) and i didn't realise that u have some cities copied from the original map of SCS :D
Hope that The new DLC Going North will include most of ur cities - making the best map with many many cities
I don't want to see many drops

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09 Jun 2014 16:35

Nope MandelSoft, not boring at all for me ;)

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09 Jun 2014 19:47

Polska Wersja

Na początku myślałem że Promods jest świetną mapą nie mogłem się doczekać kiedy wjadę do Szwecji. Mój pierwszy kurs Sztokcholm - Kalmar, było ciekawie, a Sztokcholm to mnie nawet pozytywnie zaskoczył, potem była Finlandia spodziewałem się jezior i lasów a tam co dwa tunele na krzyż i tyle? Póżniej kurs z Helsinek do Oslo, Oslo to duże miasto ale nudne ( czemu? bo skrzyżowanie na skrzyżowaniu ) to samo Kopenhaga tam to nawet nie wiem gdzie jest miasto? A do Malmo gdyby nie GPS to bym nie wiedział jak tam wjechać,

Francja? może i całkowicie nowo zrobiona ale wjeźdźam od Calais do Le Havre, moja opinia, mieszana.

a i Szwecja, cały czas tylko las, las, las, i przejeźdźając z Niemiec do Danii widać rażącą róźnice gdzie wjeźdżamy na Promods, dlaczego? Niemcy autostrady kręte a skrzyżowania od SCS a Dania nowe skrzyżowania, proste autostrady, to więc albo zmieniam choć połowe skrzyżowań na starej mapie na nowe, albo na nowej mapie daje stare skrzyżowania,

a gdy przejeźdźam ze starej mapy na TSM nie widzę aż tak dużej róźnicy.

na koniec chce powiedzieć że o gustach się nie dyskutuje, ja zawsze będe za TSM map a wy zawsze za Promods.

English Version

At first I thought that Promods is a great map, I could not wait to blow up in Sweden. My first course Sztokcholm - Kalmar, it was interesting, and it made me even Sztokcholm positively surprised, then Finland was expected to lakes and forests and there every two tunnels to cross, and that's it? Later course from Helsinki to Oslo is a big city but boring (why? Because the intersection at the intersection of) the same Copenhagen there is not even know where is the city? A GPS Malmo if not I would not know how to drive there,

France? perhaps completely newly made but enters from Calais to Le Havre, in my opinion, mixed.

ai Sweden, all the time only forest, forest, forest, and passing from Germany to Denmark, where you can see the glaring difference enters the Promods, why? Germany and the winding highway intersection from SCS and Denmark the new intersection, straight highway, or changing it so even half of junctions on the old map to the new, or on the new map gives the old intersection,

and when you cross the old map on the TSM can not see so much difference.

at the end he wants to say that about taste is not discussed, I'll always be the TSM map and you always Promods.

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