ETS2/ATS Local Radio

Other ETS2 mods that don't fit in any other category
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07 Dec 2016 10:48

Koen wrote:@vulchor, even if I'd let them broadcast in a 120 mile range, a radio station from San Diego would still only reach Los Angeles, a drive that takes about five minutes in game. That'd mean you'd be switching stations every five minutes, which is a bit much.

Also, all the information is already available in the web\stations\stations-europe.js and stations-america.js file ;) The only thing is that it'll be updated with every version, but the same goes for ETS2's own radio. Apart from that: Go ahead and edit it :D (But if you think it's a station everyone can benefit from, please just submit it ;) )
That makes sense, I didn't even think about how quickly the miles go by in game. Too bad. I guess statewide stations would be good then, lol. About the stations submission, I did already submit a few of them to you, was hoping they'd make it in but I guess you didn't like the other BBC channels. I'll try to edit the js files myself since I love BBC Radio 4 Extra, thanks for the info.

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10 Dec 2016 17:58

I do like the other BBC channels, but they don't broadcast over FM, which is why I didn't add them ;)

Quick update: The next version will* make the top nav bar scroll with the page, show the current station and feature a play/pause button instead of just stop playback.

*99% sure, but I can't promise anything

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11 Dec 2016 10:36

Scottish and Welsh radio stations. For ex. when I reach Glasgow i should be able listen to Scottish regional radios.. I don't know which radios are there.. It's an idea.

Thank you

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15 Dec 2016 09:43

@Koen Hah, I had no idea that the other BBC Radio stations didn't broadcast over FM/AM. Just did some Wiki reading and found out they are Internet and Satellite only! I feel sheepish now, that's a great reason not to have them on the virtual radio. Still, I think I'll add them in my game. Its my world, so I'll pretend. ;) Thanks for the explanation. =)

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17 Dec 2016 00:50

@vulchor: As NBC would put it: "The More You Know". :lol:
Don't worry about it, it happens. I check all of them, but even I make mistakes (in case you have been wondering why certain radio stations disappeared in Finland, that's why. Thanks to @Vladzz-G for pointing them out :D )

@keremguvercin: Good idea actually, the UK is large enough to do that. You should see Scottish stations in Scotland now. Welsh stations will come in the next version, as I simply forgot to add them to 1.3.0 :roll:
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17 Dec 2016 15:49

Hey, I'm unable to remote control radios from my phone actually, when I link it to my computer and then start a radio it does play on my phone and not on my computer. Any solution?

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17 Dec 2016 16:52

You made it wrong way then. Opposite ;)
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18 Dec 2016 02:42

The fact is that I did like Koen said, opened the link on my phone and linked it to my computer tab with the PeerID...

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22 Dec 2016 22:52

Sorry for my late response.

There are many, many reasons it could be failing. Your browsers could lack support, PeerJS could be malfunctioning, your firewall may block the connection, ETS2 Local Radio may have an issue, your browser disabled WebRTC...
The method I use is highly experimental, so please check whether your browser combination is supported, and whether the console (F12) shows any errors. I might be able to help/fix some things, though I can't promise it of course ;)

Why use something so experimental then? Well, I started using this before I had an actual server. You can't directly message another browser without some kind of relay, so that's why I used this, because it takes care of that for me, and it's free.
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23 Dec 2016 00:02

It looks like it's coming from browsers on iOS; on my PC I can remote control from Firefox with the player opened on Chrome.

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