downloading mod

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29 Aug 2017 18:45

29 Aug 2017 18:31
your logic being that if your browser does not see scripts and browser extensions being run it is safe ?????
Welcome to internet! :)
So, you won't accept easy solution?
Ofc you are welcome to suggest any file hoster that don't charge PM for every download, can able to hold few 100k downloads per day (have really wide fast lane to internet) with over 1.6GB file size, don't use ads or other shady ways to finace it's servers and ISP.

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29 Aug 2017 21:09

You can bury your head in the sand if you wish, i could turn my security off and get the mod and i also would end up with all the scripts and browser extensions which my security software is blocking at the moment. My son complained that he could not download the mod thanks goodness that was the case overwise my computer would be compromised .The mod team have been told in the past and seem to have a blatant disregard for any criticisms from sensible computer users, the links need removing so at least peoples information is not shared without their knowledge, any over course of action is irresponsible.Have SCS been asked if they could supply some hosting to the community???? or are they happy that software made for their product is comprimising thousands of peoples computers
Last edited by Volleybal4life on 30 Aug 2017 07:37, edited 1 time in total.
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29 Aug 2017 21:29

I've been downloading the mod for many, many years now. I even download the mod multiple times whenever there are complains about the download not working for instance.
I never ever had any problems with scripts or anything bad which may happen to your computer. I used Firefox, Google Chrome, Opera, Internet Explorer, Edge, mobile phones, tablets, Chromebooks, and anything in between at least once to download the mod.

I honestly don't understand what you are talking about. Just don't click on anything dumb in the ads which may show, and you're fine..

To be even more honest, it doesn't sound like you know what you're talking about...
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29 Aug 2017 22:20

i see i got the usual canned answer, where all idiots, dont think you comprehend the seriousness being discussed here. it would seem your ok with letting peoples kids stumble across obscene material from links on your web page just so you can make a bit of cash. Has far has i can see there is no way you limit access to these links. i have no interest in playing truck drivers but i take exception to people like you allowing my kids access to this sort of material. Has proved, you have no interest in my fears so i will take this up directly with SCS. Secondly the amount of malicious data generated from these links is unacceptable and very risky but again you have no interest even though this has been pointed out to you in the past, i guess changing this would get in the way of you making more cash. If you want paying for your work why not be clear about this rather than generating funds via stealth.
Last edited by Volleybal4life on 30 Aug 2017 04:08, edited 1 time in total.
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29 Aug 2017 22:47

"If you want paying for your work"

As it was already said:
We need that money to keep our expensive servers working so you can access this forum and get help / talk with others / show your own work.
We also need that money to pay for our download servers, so you can get this mod for free.

Kids won't pay for a paid download, many adult players don't want to pay either. Even I never paid for it. Free download is fine for me for so many years, no idea what's your problem with it.

We won't limit access to our mod only to people who want to pay for it. It's for everybody. It was always free and it'll be free, no matter what you say.

It's sad when somebody unfamiliar with the Internet comes here and says things that amuse all our users... I hope you know that you're making a fool of yourself with those statements.
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29 Aug 2017 22:59

I speak for my self here, and not the rest of the team
29 Aug 2017 22:20

it would seem your ok with letting peoples kids stumble across obscene material from links on your web page just so you can make a bit of cash.
We have no control over what ads AdFly shows for a start (It's also been mentioned that the advertisements shown on AdFly are sometimes influenced by the users browsing history) Secondly: 'just so you can make a bit of cash' Said cash goes towards keeping the servers up, if there is no ads there is also no server.

I'm only getting involved in this (something I don't usually do) because this is quite insulting, particularly
i guess changing this would get in the way of you making more cash.
to which I would like to point out that we don't get a dime for the hundreds of hours of work we spend creating something that you can get for free.

yours truly,
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29 Aug 2017 23:12

29 Aug 2017 22:20
i see i got the usual canned answer, where all idiots, dont think you comprehend the seriousness being discussed here. it would seem your ok with letting peoples kids stumble across obscene material from links on your web page just so you can make a bit of cash. Has far has i can see there is no way you limit access to these links. i have no interest in playing truck drivers but i take exception to people like you allowing my kids access to this sort of material. Has proved, you have no interest in my fears so i will take this up directly with SCS. Secondly the amount of malicious data generated from these links is unacceptable and very risky but again you have no interest even though this has been pointed out to you in the past, i guess changing this would get in the way of you making more cash. If you want paying for your work why not be clear about this rather than generating funds via stealth.
This is not a "canned response" but I am going to call you out here since you don't know what you're talking about. As I am a security specialist by trade I do take peoples security very seriously. We've had to build our own infrastructure for people to download the mod for free since we've long exceeded any restrictions imposed by every file host out there. This doesn't come cheap and our servers generate a massive amount of data, take time and effort to keep online and after-all are hosting something that is provided for free.

There are restrictions etc in place on the free download servers to prevent abuse and also to make it viable for us to still do but I am afraid that due to the costs of doing it this way we've got to use something like adfly. You may have heard about Pwn2own ( where many hackers get involved and try and compromise a web browser and you'll note from this that many browsers pass without getting owned these days. This is because your browser runs in a sandbox environment. Scripts can't possibly do a drive by download to infect your computer unless if you do something stupid on your end to enable them to.

Visiting adfly won't get you pwned, clicking on an ad won't get you pwned, downloading and running an exe or extension from a dodgy ad is the way you'll get pwned and I have yet to see an example of this in action running on adfly (and I test this quite often). We're considering our options for alternatives since I fully agree - adfly can be dodgy but we also provide an alternative.

The development around here is fueled by donations and I work on the servers hosting all this for free (in-fact nobody gets paid). There are actually very little complaints versus the amount of downloads generated by these servers and the ads help fund these servers. If you or your kids would like the mod then $1 is really nothing. I do also note from the server logs that your IP address has successfully downloaded parts of the mod so despite your complaint, you still at-least managed to get parts of it for free.
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29 Aug 2017 23:14

29 Aug 2017 22:20
i guess changing this would get in the way of you making more cash. If you want paying for your work why not be clear about this rather than generating funds via stealth.
Do you really think we're making money by doing this? I'd ask you to look at this page and then think again. All the users listed there are active contributors to the mod, in one way or another. Do you really think that those paid downloads + ad revenue is enough to pay for expensive server infrastructure (mind you it needs to be able to handle ~500 users simultaneously online and downloading during releases) AND at the same time fund a team of 40+ people?

I hope you understand the absurdity of such a statement. ProMods isn't a job. It's a hobby.
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30 Aug 2017 00:06

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30 Aug 2017 00:30

1. "Free download is fine for me for so many years, no idea what's your problem with it."

i have a problem with kids having access to porn from what on the surface should be a kid friendly site.

2.It's sad when somebody unfamiliar with the Internet comes here and says things that amuse all our users... I hope you know that you're making a fool of yourself with those statements.

glad you find it amusing, you assume a lot of things there my friend but again i have a problem with kids having access to porn from what on the surface should be a kid friendly site.

3.We have no control over what ads AdFly shows for a start (It's also been mentioned that the advertisements shown on AdFly are sometimes influenced by the users browsing history) Secondly: 'just so you can make a bit of cash' Said cash goes towards keeping the servers up, if there is no ads there is also no server.

oh ok you keep peddling your porn to kids then

4.I'm only getting involved in this (something I don't usually do) because this is quite insulting

imagine how i feel has a parent

5.This is not a "canned response" but I am going to call you out here since you don't know what you're talking about


6. Scripts can't possibly do a drive by download to infect your computer unless if you do something stupid on your end to enable them to.AND Visiting adfly won't get you pwned, clicking on an ad won't get you pwned, downloading and running an exe or extension from a dodgy ad is the way you'll get pwned and I have yet to see an example of this in action running on adfly (and I test this quite often). We're considering our options for alternatives since I fully agree - adfly can be dodgy but we also provide an alternative.

all kids are computer experts are they ??????

7.As I am a security specialist by trade I do take peoples security very seriously.

REALLY there seems to be a contradiction here has you also said I fully agree - adfly can be dodgy but we also provide an alternative.

not one comment or response regarding obscene material on a kids site


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