v.2.60 and Molde-Kristiansund, viewpoints, curious question

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Posts: 13
Joined: 29 Nov 2017 10:49

21 Jan 2022 17:49


Sorry if I posted this in the wrong section of the forum.

But, I've been using ProMods for a long time with ETS2, and I can never ever be without it!
So, everytime I upgrade, PM gets installed. I can't tell what is SCS and what is PM.

With 2.60 we get a small addition in Norway, Molde, Krisitansund with some viewpoints.
Here is my stupid question: Is this a SCS or PM addition?

Have a splendid day!


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21 Jan 2022 18:40

Here is a map of what is ProMods and what is SCS (click on image to get the full-size map):

Posts: 13
Joined: 29 Nov 2017 10:49

21 Jan 2022 18:54

Thank You very much!

So Molde etc is PM, excellent.

That part was really nicely done, and that is my "problem" :D (not a problem at all). PM is so very f**king good that I can't play ETS2 without it.

I am over half a century old, born and raised in a small town in Norway called Tromsø (left it many years ago).
PM is excellent, and I really hope that the PM-team will hook up with, or at least chat with a creator on this forum called some-thing.
His (or her, I don't know) map mod, "Finnmark Mod", is bloody brilliant.

It is VERY good, and captures the feel of North-Norway!


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